
                    +Ignatius Makumbe                                                             
                 Mrs Makumbe      

Current Diocesan Theme

There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. (Ezra 8:21)

The Anglican Diocese of Central Zimbabwe exists to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, equip believers to operate in areas of their spiritual gifts, to empower the governing board and all priests to lead with excellence, and to make the church relate more effectively to the community in which it exists.



Our Mission as a Diocese will be accomplished by living according to the values that are listed below, which speak to the economic, social, spiritual and environmental responsibilities of every Christian.

We commit ourselves to these values to guide our decisions and our behaviors as we implement this strategic plan to the glory of God:

1 Excellence: to be the best in quality and in everything we do in our service for God.

2 Teamwork: as a team we are to  be supportive of each other’s efforts, loyal to one another, and care for each other both   personally and professionally.

3 Agility:    we are to be flexible in our approach, helping each other to strike a healthy participation in this strategic plan. In  this Diocese, we believe our future depends on speed and flexibility – mentally, emotionally and physically. Responding   resourcefully to society’s fast-changing needs is the road to success. We will meet the forces of change with power and grace        with God’s help. We will make course corrections that demonstrate flexibility as well as courage, and that highlight our                ability to keep ourselves aligned with the word of God.

4 Integrity: we act with honesty and integrity, not compromising the truth. We believe our promise is our most vital product      – our word is our bond. We employ the highest ethical standards, demonstrating honesty, love and fairness in every action that we take.

5 Passion for results: we show pride, enthusiasm and dedication in everything that we do for the glory of God.

6  Respect: we shall treat each other, our customers, partners and suppliers with mutual respect and sensitivity,                                recognizing  the importance of diversity. We respect all individuals and value their contributions and                             will honor our relationships with  each other. We treat others with the highest degree of dignity,                                       equality and trust.

7 Open Communication: All of us in this Diocese are encouraged to openly share their opinions and views.

8 Unity – We are one church, one team. We believe that succeeding as a church is as important as succeeding                                   independently. We look at each other as crucial resources.

9 Perseverance: Keep doing well even if it seems impossible


The Five Marks of Mission

The five marks of mission have been developed by the Anglican Consultative Council since 1984. Since then, they have been widely adopted as an understanding of what contemporary mission is about. The marks were adopted by the General Synod of the Church of England in 1996 and many dioceses and other denominations used them as the basis of action plans and creative mission ideas. Some churches abbreviate the five marks to five words:

                            TELL – TEACH – TEND – TRANSFORM – TREASURE.

In 2012, the ACC added wording to the fourth mark, to include the need for Christians to challenge violence and work for peace.

1   To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

2   To teach, baptize and nurture new believers

3   To respond to human need by loving service

4  To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and                reconciliation

5  To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth