



ON THE WEST—         Along the boundary with Botswana on the West to the confluence of the Shashi and Limpopo rivers

ON THE SOUTH—         Along theLimpopo River on the south to the confluence of Limpopo and Mzingwane rivers.

ON THE EAST—           Along the Mzingwane River for 17km and passes 10 km east Mazunga / Makado town; Crosses the Bulawayo / Gweru highway at 10km west of Shangani town.

Proceeds northwards along the Shangani river to a point 5km east of Nkayi town. Proceeds northwards and passes through the confluence of the Shangani and Gweru rivers and follows the Sengwa river to the border with Zambia.

ON THE NORTH—        From Kazungula in the west, along the border with Zambia to a point where the Sengwa river intersects the border.



ON THE WEST  —        Intersects the 20° latitude at 12km east of Fort Rixon

Crosses the Bulawayo highway at 10km west of Shangani town.  Proceeds northwards along the Shangani river to a point 5km east of Nkayi town. Proceeds northwards and passes through the confluence of Shangani and Gweru rivers and goes along the Sengwa river to the border with Zambia.

ON THE SOUTH—         Intersects the border with the Diocese of Matabeleland at 20º latitude at 12km east of Fort Rixon. Intersects the Shurugwi / Zvishavane road at 40km south of Shurugwi town.

ON THE EAST —           From the point 60km west of Gaths-Mine to the point 2km east of Lalapansi along the Gweru – Mvuma Road. Passes through the  confluence of the Pimbi/Munyati rivers.

Proceeds north and intersects the Kadoma and Chegutu Highway at 18km north east of Kadoma.

Intersects the Sanyati river at the 44km west of the 30° longitude on the 18° latitude.

Along the Sanyati River and intersect the Zimbabwe / Zambia border at 78km east of the 28° longitude and 70km south  of the latitude.

ON THE NORTH— Along the Zimbabwe / Zambia border from the point 78km east the 28° longitude and 70km south of the 16° latitude. (16km west of Kariba town)




The  Cathedral  Senga and Shurugwi  archdeaconries consists  of 


We have a collective number of 6 churches that are in the Gweru


We have a collective number of churches that are in the Lower Gweru


We have a collective number of 6 churches that are in the Kwekwe which are


We have a collective number of  churches that are in the Kadoma namely


Gokwe is comprised of … churches



ON THE WEST—           Starts at the Pimbi / Munyati rivers confluence in the south.

Proceeds north and intersects the Kadoma – Ghegutu Highway at 18km north east of Kadoma.

Intersects the Sanyati river at the 44km west of the 30º longitude and a 0km north of the 18º lattitude.

Follows the Sanyati river and intersect the Zimbabwe / Zambia border at 15km south-west Kariba town.

ON THE SOUTH—         From the confluence of the Pimbi and Munyati rivers otherwise 20km west of the Ngezi dam.

Intersects the Harare / Masvingo highway at 40km south of Beatrice town and intersects the Save River at a point 20km west of Wedza town.

Crosses the Marondera / Hwedza road at 20km north of Hwedza

ON THE EAST—            Crosses the Harare /Mutare highway at 10km east of Macheke

Follows the Nyanyadzi River to the border with Mozambique otherwise 36km south of Nyamapanda border post.

ON THE NORTH —        From the 16km southwest of Kariba town; along the northern border with Zambia and Mozambique, to a point where the Nyanyadzi river intersects the Mozambique border ( 36km south of Nyamapanda border post.)



ON THE WEST—            From the confluence of the Limpopo and Mzingwane rivers in the south; along the Mzingwane River for 17 km and passes 10km east of Mazunga / Makado town; crosses the Bulawayo / Masvingo highway at 27km east of Filabusi town.


ON THE SOUTH —        From where the confluence Mzingwane and Limpopo rivers and along the border with South Africa going east to a point where the borders of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique meet.

Along the border with Mozambique to a point where the Save and Runde rivers meet and intersect the Zimbabwe / Mozambique border.

ON THE EAST —          Along the Save River to the confluence of the Save and Nyazvidzi rivers.

Along the Nyazvidzi river to a point 75km from the confluence of the river Save and Nyazvidzi rivers.

Interests the Save river at Dorowa and goes northwest along the Save River to a point 60km from Dorowa.

ON THE NORTH —        Along the Save River and intersects the Beatrice / Chivhu highway at 40km south of Beatrice town.

Along the Pimpi river to the confluence of the Pimpi and Munyati rivers



ON THE EAST—          From the confluence of the Save and Runde River on the border with Mozambique in the south; along the Save River to the confluence of the Save and Nyazvidzi rivers. Along the Nyazvidzi river to a point 75km from the Nyazvidzi / Save Rivers confluence.

Intersects the Save river at Dorowa and goes north-west along the Save river to a point 60km from Dorowa

Crosses the Harare / Mutare highway at a point 10km east of Macheke.

ON THE SOUTH—         At the confluence of the Save and Runde rivers on the Zimbabwe / Mozambique border.

ON THE EAST—           From a point where the Nyangadzi intersects the Zimbabwe / Mozambique border in the North, along the Zimbabwe/ Mozambique  border to the confluence of the Save / Runde Rivers.

ON THE NORTHWEST— From a point 60km northwest of Dorowa and intersects the Marondera Hwedza road at 20km North of Hwedza.      

Along the Nyangadzi river to a point where it intersects the Zimbabwe / Mozambique border.

ON THE NORTHWEST— From a point 60km northwest of Dorowa and intersects the Marondera/

Hwedza road at 20km North of Hwedza.    

Along the Nyangadzi river to a point where it intersects the Zimbabwe / Mozambique border.