

ON THE WEST  —         Intersects the 20° latitude at 12km east of Fort Rixon Crosses the Bulawayo highway at 10km west of Shangani town.  Proceeds northwards along the Shangani river to a                                                    point 5km east of Nkayi town. Proceeds northwards and passes through the confluence of Shangani and Gweru rivers and goes along the Sengwa river to the border  with                                               Zambia.

ON THE SOUTH—         Intersects the border with the Diocese of Matabeleland at 20º latitude at 12km east of Fort Rixon. Intersects the Shurugwi / Zvishavane road at 40km south of Shurugwi                                                  town.

ON THE EAST —           From the point 60km west of Gaths-Mine to the point 2km east of Lalapansi along the Gweru – Mvuma Road. Passes through the  confluence of the Pimbi/Munyati rivers.

                                         Proceeds north and intersects the Kadoma and Chegutu Highway at 18km north east of Kadoma. Intersects the Sanyati river at the 44km west of the 30° longitude on the

                                        18° latitude.Along the Sanyati River and intersect the Zimbabwe / Zambia border at 78km east of the 28° longitude and 70km south  of the latitude.

ON THE NORTH— Along the Zimbabwe / Zambia border from the point 78km east the 28° longitude and 70km south of the 16° latitude. (16km west of Kariba town)